How to turn 1 piece of copy into 13 by repurposing it

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As a VA, I am ALL about time saving tips! One of the things that takes up the MOST time is content creation, and one of my favourite ways to SAVE time is by repurposing content.⁠ ⁠

By repurposing content, you create multiple smaller pieces of content from one core piece, allowing you to reach more people and create more touchpoints around the same message.⁠ ⁠

So here’s your challenge: record one 10-minute video with highly actionable steps and resources, and then repurpose it in a DOZEN different ways!⁠ ⁠

Here are the ways you’ll repurpose it:⁠

♻️ Pull the audio and release it as a podcast episode⁠

♻️ Get it transcribed (by a VA or a site like and turn the copy into an ebook⁠

♻️ Distill the copy down into a highly-actionable series of 3 blog posts⁠

♻️ For each of those blog posts, create 2 social media posts from the copy⁠

♻️ Take the original video and trim it down to use as an ad for the ebook⁠ ⁠

So that’s 2 videos, 1 podcast, 1 ebook, 3 blog posts, and 6 social media posts...⁠ ⁠

And there you have it – you’ve taken one ten-minute piece of content and turned it into 13 different pieces of content!!

There are nearly infinite ways you can break down video content into other formats, and it takes way less time and resource for most people than producing something massive.⁠ ⁠

(Plus, your handy VA can help you with the repurposing!)⁠ ⁠

How are you repurposing your content at the moment?


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What is a Virtual Assistant?